En él puedes encontrar artículos donde explican primero conceptos y algoritmos matemáticos y luego su respectiva implementación en un lenguaje de programación.
Desde árboles de decisión pasando teoría sobre el Page Rank de Google y también con artículos curiosos como este llamado Learning Programming-Finger Painting and Killing Zombies.
Pero el que más me ha gustado es: The Cellular Automaton Method for Cave Generation. En él se explica cómo realizar cuevas para mazmorras de juegos de aventuras usando autómatas celulares. Genial.
También es de agradecer un apartado donde exclusivamente te explica las bases matemáticas para poder entender el resto de artículos, o para repasar conceptos matemáticos de Álgebra Lineal, Matemáticas Discretas, etc.
Aquí tenéis un listado con el contenido a día de de hoy del blog:
Google’s Page Rank
An Introduction, and Search Engines
A First Attempt, Mathematical Preliminaries
The Final Product
Why It Doesn’t Work Anymore
A First Attempt, Mathematical Preliminaries
The Final Product
Why It Doesn’t Work Anymore
Conway’s Game of Life
The Wild World of Cellular Automata
Turing Machines and Conway’s Dreams
Conway’s Game of Life in Conway’s Game of Life
Turing Machines and Conway’s Dreams
Conway’s Game of Life in Conway’s Game of Life
Art, Design, and Procedural Generation
Designing Non-repeating Patterns with Prime Numbers
Low-Complexity Art
Random Psychedelic Art
The Cellular Automaton Method for Procedural Cave Generation
Low-Complexity Art
Random Psychedelic Art
The Cellular Automaton Method for Procedural Cave Generation
Signal Processing
Machine Learning and Data Mining
K-Nearest-Neighbors and Handwritten Digit Classification
The Perceptron, and All the Things it Can’t Perceive
K-Nearest-Neighbors and Handwritten Digit Classification
The Perceptron, and All the Things it Can’t Perceive
Well Orderings and Search
Hunting Serial Killers
Eigenfaces, for Facial Recognition
Encryption & RSA
Holidays and Homicide
Numerical Integration
Busy Beavers, and the Quest for Big Numbers
Row Reduction over a Field
Hunting Serial Killers
Eigenfaces, for Facial Recognition
Encryption & RSA
Holidays and Homicide
Numerical Integration
Busy Beavers, and the Quest for Big Numbers
Row Reduction over a Field
Teaching Mathematics – Graph Theory
Learning Programming – Finger-Painting and Killing Zombies
How to Take a Calculus Test
Learning Programming – Finger-Painting and Killing Zombies
How to Take a Calculus Test
Chai – Designing a Programming Language (On Hold Pending Original Ideas)
The Most Basic Interpreter (numbers and sums)
Arithmetic and Organization (arithmetic, boolean algebra)
Environments and Variables (“with” and “ref”)
Functions and Function Applications (“fun”, “app”, “if”, and pairs)
The Most Basic Interpreter (numbers and sums)
Arithmetic and Organization (arithmetic, boolean algebra)
Environments and Variables (“with” and “ref”)
Functions and Function Applications (“fun”, “app”, “if”, and pairs)
- See more at: http://www.cyberhades.com/2012/10/07/matematicas-y-programacion/#sthash.jEaGsX5O.dpuf